In News

Twice a year, we send out a hard-copy newsletter and an electronic one. If you don’t already receive these and would like to, please click here to fill out the form on our Stay in Touch page.

Read our Summer 2019 Newsletter below!


Ever since the earliest days of the brotherhood almost 50 years ago, we had contact with men in Lebanon who were considering living single for the Lord. A number of them came to stay in our houses in the US for formation and discernment, and during the early nineties we even had a house of brothers in Beirut.

About 10 years ago, young men who grew up in The People of God community (sons of community members), as they started reaching their late teens, began asking questions about the brotherhood and their own vocations. Since then, roughly twenty men discerned their state of life with us, and since then two of them have made lifelong commitments to the brotherhood. Next year, three Lebanese brothers will be living in our International Formation House in Ann Arbor, and others in our UK houses.

For all those reasons we began discerning and discussing the possibility of (re)opening a brotherhood house in Lebanon. The People of God community in the Beirut area has been very supportive of the idea and the plan for three brothers to move there to form a household in the autumn 2020 – John Keating, Joe Fahd and Paul Codouni, joined by some local affiliates, and supported, of course, by visits from our presiding elder.

We are very excited about this new venture and ask you to join us in praying for its success.

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