In most places where we live, some of our brothers are working with young people. One key expression of this ministry is university outreach, which we have been pursuing for close to forty years, in places as varied as Grand Rapids (Michigan), Manila (Philippines) and Beirut (Lebanon). Together with other brothers and sisters, our brothers seek to reach students with the Gospel, often at universities where faith is hardly present. But their task does not end there: our brothers also build environments where young people, once interested in the Gospel, can grow and mature as disciples. This involves teaching, pastoral work, but also inviting some of those students to live with us. For many years brothers around the world have run summer households  with men from the university outreaches we work with.

Other brothers serve among high-school aged youth. Once again their ministry involves front-line evangelism in schools, youth clubs and after-school activities, as well as running discipleship programs where those young people can discover what the call of Christ means for them. Some of the young people our brothers work with come from vulnerable and difficult backgrounds.


This video showcases our work in the Philippines. The Servants of the Word brothers in the Philippines primarily work with young college students. They also serve the needy in the remote areas of the country.

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