Our life, before all else, is service to God, which is expressed first and foremost in prayer and worship. Our days, weeks and years are interspersed with opportunities for individual and corporate prayer. This rich life of worship has, over the years, yielded particular customs such as celebrating the Lord’s Day on Saturday night.
Many of our brothers have also written and composed songs for worship. Joseph Mathias, a lifelong brother, has released a worship album called ‘Praise the Lord All Nations.’ You can download the album by clicking on the title of the music player below. If you would like to download more music by the brothers, please go to the ‘Worship & Music’ tab of our News & Resources page.
Every brother, on top of his daily prayer, spends time every day studying the Scriptures and other Christian writers. This helps to feed our life of prayer and to help us grow in Christian understanding. Some of our brothers are also involved in Christian teaching and preaching: in our communities, in our various outreaches, they find ample opportunity to teach about the Word of God. A few brothers also have gone on to doctoral studies and now teach at seminaries and universities in the United States and the Philippines.