In many ways our name describes our mission. We are called “The Servants of the Word”, meaning that our identity and aspiration is to be of service to Christ, our master. Being servants means forgoing personal ambition and dreams in order to advance the glory of somebody else. Serving the Word means first and foremost living as radical disciples of Jesus Christ, the Word of God incarnate. We want our lifestyle and example to inspire others to consider the gracious invitation of our master.


We are also servants of the Word when we proclaim the message of salvation, the Good News of what God has done for the human race. Our missions and outreaches such as youth work, university evangelism and the building of intentional lay communities are expressions of this desire to help others get to know Christ and re-orient their lives so as to live for him.

But the mission we pursue is intimately linked to the wider network of communities we are connected with. The Sword of the Spirit (see Leadership & Affiliations) is the context in which we live our lives as consecrated men and the place where we serve. Next to working in many of the outreaches of our communities across the world, we also serve in our local communities wherever we are needed. 

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