This fall has been full of outreach efforts both in Monterrey, México and San José, Costa Rica the two places where the Servants of the Word have houses.
San José, Costa Rica
In Costa Rica, the fall does not mark the beginning of a new college year, in fact we are just in the middle of the school year, and evangelism efforts are reaching their prime, soon to be concluded by a retreat. So September and October are always the time for the yearly Life in the Spirit Retreats. We were blessed to serve alongside members of Arbol de Vida community as part of the staff serving those retreats: one was hosted for couples, two for university students from our outreaches. We also held a picnic for the youth group – not even the rainy season in Costa Rica stopped what the Lord wanted to do for his children! In the end, it was a fruitful fall, and we witnessed the Lord’s love and mercy once more.
We are just in the middle of the school year, and evangelism efforts are reaching their prime.
Monterrey, México
Community life in Monterrey is seldom inactive, mirroring the city’s intensity! From camping and hiking, movie nights all the way through prayer meetings, retreats and your traditional “regiomontano” barbeque, there is always something going on, all in the service of our missionary work and evangelism.
There are currently three university outreaches in Monterrey, each one of them based near a college campus, under the umbrella name of MCU (Catholic University Mission). One near the famous TEC college in the southern part of the city, one near the University of Nueva Leon, one in the West of Monterrey. TEC has many international students who are eager to make friends. We are making the most of meeting new students and preaching the Gospel to them. Sometimes that is made harder because of issues of traffic and transport, with students often commuting.
Many of them were invited by their friends, but there have also been some others that just showed up and seem to have come out of nowhere
Since the semester kicked off, God has been sending a lot of young men and women our way, thirsty for a place to experience a closer relationship with God and community. Many of them were invited by their friends, but there have also been some others that just showed up and seem to have come out of nowhere. In the first week of October, those who were interested in more than picnics and barbecues had the chance to attend MCU’s yearly retreat, where they heard about God’s love, the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. It is clear that God has been working through these young communities. Some men in MCU Norte have started to gather to read the Bible together, while others from MCU TEC decided to attend daily morning prayers in our household.
Blessed be God who keeps on using us to spread the Good News in Monterrey! May He keep on calling more young men and women to give their lives to Him.