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Being an engineer at Chrysler Group designing cars of the future was a pretty good job as I look back on it. I had numerous great perks, significant benefits, and excellent pay. It was a dream job for any young guy my age. Very few people get to bring home new cars every couple weeks, much less cars that won’t be sold on the market for months. So, what motivated me to make a seemingly irrational move: to leave this great job to pursue a life of celibacy and do mission work?

Greg Codouni

The job was clearly a blessing from God, but it was also something that I felt I should give up because I had a strong desire to live a life of more full-time mission and to pursue God’s continued call on my life. So, as tough as it was, I decided to leave my job to move into the training phase with The Servants of the Word. I regularly get asked: “What are you, a Lebanese guy, doing in the middle of Lansing, Michigan? What are you, a mechanical engineer, doing as a mission worker? Why are you discerning your vocation without having a direct call yet to live single for the Lord? Why aren’t you just making good money somewhere as an engineer as (the world says) you should be?”

Well, it is fundamentally because God has been good to me and has instilled in me a strong desire to offer my heart to the Lord. And that’s why I’m here in The Servants of the Word; that’s why I’ve left my country, my family, my job, and my comfort zone to respond to the call that I believe God is placing on my life. And it’s worth it, because our God is good and we cannot outdo him in generosity. I have an unquenched desire to seek God’s will is for my life and to see it fulfilled in and through me. I want to live uncompromisingly for the sake of the kingdom of heaven– not for the sake of this world. So, I’m Lebanese and I’m living in the States. I’m an engineer and I’m doing mission work. I’m a young guy and I’m seriously considering living celibate for the Lord. And I am glad for all of this. I want to learn how to surrender my life to the Lord, live single-heartedly for him, and do his will whatever that may entail.

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  • Gerardo Lopez

    God bless you!! I know that God will give you the prize for your time offered to Him. Make your life in a way that others will follow God by seeing you act like a soldier of God’s army. Blessings again.

  • Wilson Mendez C

    My brother, God fill you with his love at this time. Encouragement!
    You are a great example, thank you for this testimony.

  • Sleiman Menassa

    Dear Greg, I am very proud of you & the decision you have made. May The Lord guide you & show you his will for your life. A life with the brothers in the Servants of the Word is as good as it gets (without demeaning the Christian life we have as married Christians). Enjoy the real life!
    -Sleiman Menassa

  • Philippe Sammour, Ann Arbor

    Blessed be God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for having His Holy Spirit live in you.

  • Spiro Akl

    Gregoooooo! You don’t know how much the Lord talked to me through you, through reading about what you’re doing and gaining from giving up worldly stuff and following His will!
    God bless you abundantly my brother:D

  • Tim

    May you be open to God’s wisdom as you pursue your vocation! What a great group of men the Servants are.

    God bless,
    your old teacher,
    Tim G.

  • Nabil

    الله يباركك

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