More than ever, Christians must be grounded in their identity and purpose to reach a hurting world. This groundbreaking book brings together the latest best practices for how to be (and help others become) mature, balanced, and joyful Christians today. Evangelism experts Gordy DeMarais and Daniel Keating lay out thoughtful actions for effectively bringing Christ to the world. A must-read for every follower of Jesus.
Athanasius was a fiery and controversial bishop from Egypt, driven from his See no less than five times. Yet, his work served as a keystone to the settlement of the central disputes of the fourth century, from the Trinitarian and Christological debates at Nicaea to the formulation of the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Herein, Athanasius is presented for today’s readers as one of the chief architects of Christian doctrine and one of the most significant thinkers for the reclamation of the Trinitarian and Christological theological tradition.
In 2017 the National Evangelical-Catholic Dialogue in the United States sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the University of Mary, Bismarck, North Dakota, completed its four-year round of discussions on the doctrine of justification. At each of these annual meetings, members presented background papers that formed the basis of that meeting’s discussions and became the starting point for constructing a common statement. These common statements and background papers comprise this book. Quite unexpectedly, the members of the dialogue discovered many points of convergence on the subject of justification. The members of the dialogue hope this book will provide a fruitful starting point for future conversations between Catholics and Evangelicals.
In this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two respected scholars and Bible teachers interpret James and First, Second, and Third John from within the living tradition of the Church. The commentary provides crisp explanations of the text with helpful sidebars and ideas for application to enrich preaching, group Bible study, and personal reflection. This volume presents excellent biblical scholarship in a format accessible to laypeople with no special training in biblical studies.
The doctrine of deification came under challenge during the Reformation. Likewise, Orthodox Christians have sometimes charged that Roman Catholic teachings on deification lack coherence.
Cyril of Alexandria (d.444) was one of the architects of Christian orthodoxy. Daniel A. Keating presents a comprehensive account of Cyril’s narrative of salvation. He offers a corrective to certain readings of Cyril and argues that Cyril presents a balanced picture of our union with Christ. The final chapter compares Cyril with Theodore of Mopsuestia, Augustine, and Leo the Great, in order to examine in brief the relationship between Eastern and Western accounts of salvation.
There is no book in English that treats the whole of Cyril’s theological thought. In the past scholars have normally focused on Cyril’s Christology and left largely unexamined the remainder of his theological thought. Thus the English-speaking scholarly community has never fully appreciated the breadth, the depth and the immense significance of Cyril’s theology. This book is therefore unique. The editors have brought together many of the foremost experts on Cyril. This international team examines all the major facets of his theology, and here for the first time reveals the theology of Cyril of Alexandria as a magisterial whole.
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produced his own commentary on the Gospel of John as part of his task as a Master of the Sacred Page. Considered a landmark theological introduction to the Fourth Gospel, these lectures were delivered to Dominican friars when Aquinas was at the height of his theological powers, when he was also composing the Summa theologiae. For numerous reasons, the Summa has received far more attention over the centuries than has his Commentary on the Gospel of John. However, scholars today recognize Aquinas’s biblical commentaries as central sources for understanding his theological vision and for appreciating the scope of his Summa theologiae.
This book comes from the series: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, published by Baker Academic. Dr. Daniel Keating is a teacher and leader in the Sword of the Spirit. He has produced a clearly written commentary on the Bible books of First and Second Peter and Jude in which he integrates his exegetical insights with Catholic tradition and teaching. A valuable resource for those wishing to explore and better understand these important books.
St. Thomas Aquinas’s biblical commentaries have been somewhat neglected. Similarly, many readers of the Bible do not spend much time with Colosians. This pearl of a Commentary should assist not only in renewing interest in Aquinas’s exegetical insights, but also in deepening our appreciation of the richness of the Epistle to the Colossians.