Wednesday, September 13th Update
Steve has now been at home for a few weeks and is gaining strength. He had a fall shortly after he came home, but it was not bad.
He is still pretty weak, but he is doing physical therapy and we hope to see him regain the strength he had before this whole thing started – or to get even stronger.
His hemoglobin levels are slowly increasing, which is apparently pretty normal. This is a contributing factor to his weakness.
Thanks again for your prayers. There is still quite a bit of ground to be regained, and it will take time and dedication on Steve’s part to complete a full recovery.
Monday, August 7th Update
First of all, thanks for your prayers. Almost immediately after the last update, we started seeing improvement in Steve’s condition. The doctors were able to find an antibiotic that appears to be effective and compatible with Steve’s body. He is currently taking an oral antibiotic for the infection in his back. Once this began, Steve’s kidneys started showing almost instant improvement. His creatinine levels started coming down and continue to head in the right direction. The doctors also started treating Steve with an antacid that seems to have taken care of the internal bleeding. With the blood transfusions, Steve’s hemoglobin count stabilized and then began to climb. Though not yet where it needs to be, it is also moving in the right direction.
As of last Friday evening, Steve was moved from the University of Michigan hospital to a rehab facility nearby. He will be starting physical and occupational therapy today with the aim of getting him prepared to come home. The hope is that he could be back at our house at Island Lake Road in a week’s time. Please pray that there be no more setbacks and that Steve can handle the therapy to prepare him to come home.
Thanks once again for your prayers for Steve. They have been effective!
Monday, July 31st Update
As of last Thursday, July 27th Steve Clark was readmitted to the University of Michigan Hospital. His re-admittance was occasioned by concerns over the results of blood tests ordered by his doctor. The blood tests revealed that the antibiotics Steve was prescribed were hurting his kidneys. Since being in the hospital, Steve’s condition has deteriorated.
I spoke to two of his doctors today. While not alarmed, they are quite concerned and said that, if things do not improve they will need to take more aggressive steps. Steve continues to lose blood due to internal bleeding. This most likely stems from the biopsy done on polyps in Steve’s digestive system. Steve’s hemoglobin levels continue to be very low—slightly over 5 when the normal level should be 13.8 or higher. He was transfused with two units of blood yesterday and will receive two more units today. If things do not improve by tomorrow, the doctors will need to do an endoscopic procedure to cauterize the area that is bleeding.
Also, Steve’s creatinine counts are between 4 and 5. The normal should be 0.6 to 1.2. This indicates a substantial impairment of proper kidney function. If this does not improve over the next day or so, they will likely need to begin dialysis. This is not something that we would like to see.
The doctors continue to treat the original infection that required Steve hospitalization in the first place. They seem to have found an antibiotic that is compatible with Steve’s body and still effective in addressing the infection near his spine.
Please join us in praying for 1.) Return to better functioning of Steve’s kidneys such that he will not require dialysis, 2.) Cessation of Steve’s internal bleeding and return to normal hemoglobin levels, 3.) Complete healing of the infection in Steve’s back. Pray also for Steve’s peace and patience during this very trying time for him.
We will keep you informed of any progress.
Friday, July 21st Update
A couple of weeks ago, when Steve was released from hospital, he went to a the rehabilitation unit. Things looked well for a while but last Thursday he was sent back to University of Michigan hospital in order to deal with low hemoglobin levels.
Further examinations at the hospital showed a few polyps which were cauterized, and that may have solved the problem. Steve was released yesterday and sent back to the rehabilitation unit at Heartland Health Care Center.
Please pray for wisdom on the part of the doctors, and that Steve’s hemoglobin count would rise to more normal levels.
We appreciate your prayers and well wishes, which you can send to us through our website,, or mail to
Monday, July 3rd Update
As some of you might have heard, Steve Clark has not been well recently.
A week ago he complained of back and neck pain. He was taken to hospital where the doctors completed all kinds of tests to get to the bottom of it all, including a couple of MRIs. After a few days of being unable to move much, he can now get out of bed again and move about. The tests eventually revealed an infection close to the spinal cord which is most likely the cause of his recent symptoms. This condition is not life-threatening, but will have to be treated with heavy doses of antibiotics for probably 6 weeks. Current predictions are that Steve will be released later this week but given his weak state and the infection, will need some serious care and attention for the next number of weeks; some of that might even be in a rehabilitation center.