In News

Greetings to you all!

I truly hope that this newsletter will find you and your loved ones doing well.  This past while has been such a challenging time for so many of us and on so many different fronts—I sincerely pray that you are finding peace in the midst of it all, and quiet even amidst the storm.

This past while has not been an easy time for any of us, of course: we as brotherhood also had to deal both with the challenges of the pandemic, especially in our mission efforts, and ongoing internal difficulties that many of you would be familiar with.

We continue to try to seek the Lord in it all, and to be faithful to him and his call upon our lives as we endeavor to advance his kingdom as best we can.  I hope that you will find cause for encouragement as you read this newsletter and get caught up on various ways that the Lord is providing for us and on ways that he is at work both in us and through us.

Covid has meant less travel and less activities for most of our brothers.  While this has not always allowed us to do what we would have preferred, it has provided us with more time together in our households and in more opportunities to work on our internal life.  Covid’s restrictions has cramped my style some, but before you feel too sorry for me, note that I am currently with the brothers in Lebanon and am on my fifth international trip since September.  It is always a joy to be able to visit the brothers around the world (though locked-down Manila barred the gates!) and to encourage my brothers in life and mission.

Before closing, let me mention a couple of things that you will be hearing more about in the months to come.  We have begun planning for two significant things a year from now—one being what we are calling a “Solemn Assembly” where we will gather all lifelong Servants of the Word as a way to observe and celebrate God’s goodness to us over our 50 year history.  Stay tuned.  And just prior to that we will have our every four years SW Council, so please keep that in your prayers as we prepare to review our life together, handle SW business matters, etc.

We are grateful for your partnership in life and mission; as you see in this newsletter we are expanding in many places around the world, and none of that would be possible without the support from our friends. So if you are able, please consider contributing to our work.

Your brother in Christ,

David Quintana (Q)

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