Join us in congratulating our brother, Mark Whitters, for being named Eastern Michigan University’s Lecturer of the Year for 2010.
Mark has been teaching history courses to undergraduate students at EMU since 2005, in addition to his role in our brotherhood life in Detroit, Michigan. Mark had this to say about the award, “I’m humbled by the award and grateful to the many faculty members who put forward recommendations.”
EMU’s article on Mark mentions how his life in the brotherhood effects his teaching:
That he does some of his best work in a community setting should come as no surprise. Whitters is himself a member of a religious community, an ecumenical brotherhood called Servants of the Word. The group focuses on living a simple, communal, celibate life and serving God by serving others.
“I think (community is) something the system leaves out,” he said. “We’re so focused on goals and consumption and achievement and being on the fast track that we’re totally consumed with the system. There’s a need to humanize our lives. Relationships are important to me.”
Read the whole article at the location of the original news feature at Focus EMU Online:
Or read the original article in this PDF capture of the news item: [PDF 131 KB]
Way to go Mark!
Congratulations, Mark! A deserving recognition for your thoughtful and able gifts in the service of the many undergrads who have been in your classes. I was very pleased to read of the account of your classroom style and teaching techniques. Your life bears much fruit.