In News

Ken NoeckerBeloved family and friends,

It gives me great pleasure to wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year on behalf of all the brothers of The Servants of the Word!

As I write this short note, the year 2011 is rapidly drawing to a close. At the moment, according to my high-tech watch, 341 days have passed and there are only 24 left in the year. We are in the 49th of 52 weeks. No matter what I do I cannot slow down the march of time or change the inevitability of a new year being so soon upon us. Where has the year gone?

I recently completed a month-long trip to India. Upon my arrival back in the United States, I went directly to my parents’ home to join them and all of my siblings’ families for the Thanksgiving celebration – our first together in 26 years. When Thanksgiving Day arrived I was flat on my back with a viral infection I had picked up during my travels. Although physically in the same house I was not able to join the celebration. The day came and went. My siblings, their spouses, and my nieces and nephews came and went. I was there, but both my arrival and presence were non-factors for that day!

The realities we celebrate in this Christmas season are timeless and do not come and go! Jesus, whose birth we commemorate and celebrate, is a factor for this day and every day! He, the child born in a manger, is the Word of God made flesh. He came into this world over 2,000 years ago, yet was with God from the beginning of time and rules as King for all ages. He who would die on a cross lives eternally to give life to all who call upon his name! Let the year pass and a new one begin. Let seasons and celebrations come and go. Because of Jesus, we have in our lives him who is our life “yesterday, today, and forever!”

We hope and pray that you and your loved ones have a great Christmas celebration! We also ask that you pray for all of us in The Servants of the Word.

In Christ our Lord,
Ken Noecker
Presiding Elder, The Servants of the Word

This article is from our Christmas 2011 Newsletter: 2011ChristmasServantsoftheWordNewsletter.pdf [2.3MB PDF]

Ken Noecker
Ken is a lifelong committed brother, currently serving in the EME Region. He spent 25 years (1986 to 2011) as a member of the Asian Region of The Servants of the Word based in Manila, Philippines. Ken was born and raised in Nebraska. He completed his university studies in Minnesota and his graduate studies in the Philippines.
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