There is a long list of interests and accomplishments which set our good brother Don DeSmith apart: born and raised on a rural Michigan farm, he earned his private pilot’s license by the age of 17. He holds a Master’s degree in computer engineering along with an MBA. For five years he co-owned a cutting-edge software development company based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He currently serves as the president of Servant Systems Inc., the software enterprise owned by brothers in The Servants of the Word. Lest Don be charged with “all work and no fun,” he is also an accomplished water skier—slalom, trick skis, forward, backwards; he does it all.
But that’s not the half of it: as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan Don encountered the Lord in a powerful way, gave his life to him, met up with some other young men living single for the Lord, and joined up. He made his lifelong commitment to our brotherhood in 1981. Don is now 54 and still going strong.
Don now works full time for Servant Systems Inc., serving clients who are using our scheduling software to run their businesses. His most recent project has been the development and installation of scheduling software for Christmas Decor, a nationwide franchise that “puts up and takes down” holiday decorations for individuals and businesses. Don is also the primary marketer for Servant Systems Inc., drumming up new clients to grow the business.
Another of Don’s traits is no doubt rooted in the Belgian frugality he learned from his parents and grand parents—he is the inveterate sales shopper. Don has never found a sale he didn’t like. He freely admits he goes shopping for fun. From time to time we might affectionately mock him for the sheer pleasure he takes in saving a buck, but then again we stand in awe over the number of bucks he’s saved!
Don is exemplary in the way he lives our life, whether in prayer or in serving our mission. He has a heart for evangelism and is always looking for ways to reach out to others with the truth of the gospel or with a simple helping hand. Don is a great brother to live with!
—Dick LaCroix
This article is from our Christmas 2007 Newsletter: View Entire Newsletter (requires Acrobat Reader)