The family values of faith, hard work, dependability, and loyalty that are so much a part of the lives of those who live in rural America certainly have left a mark on Dan Rinke. Having moved to a working farm just north of Capac, Michigan at the age of six, Dan quickly came to know the values that have for so long been a part of the American landscape. At a young age, Dan experienced God’s call on his life and while an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan he responded to God’s invitation to live single for the Lord as a Servant of the Word.
Dan later completed an MBA at Eastern Michigan University and has served as our regional financial controller for the past 11 years. He certainly is not one to shirk work responsibilities and he can often be found working into the night diligently preparing financial accounts for upcoming audits. Making sense out of the numbers, analyzing financial data, and paying the bills keeps Dan busy whether it is at his office at the Brotherhood Center in Chelsea, Michigan or his home office in Lansing. During his busy day, Dan can regularly be found mid-day away from his desk where he oftentimes takes a few moments in prayer, remembering close friends, brothers, and relatives. Some of the people for whom he prays also receive neighborly visits from Dan who considers it his responsibility to regularly check on them to make sure they are doing well.
Dan has also worked many years with the youth of our Sword of the Spirit communities. Mindful of the values he has learned growing up while at Rinke Farms, he has worked tirelessly over the years serving in formative and character challenging environments in such venues as Ranch Challenge, Kairos Fellowship, and the Lansing-based Work of Christ youth group called CYA (Christian Youth in Action). He has enjoyed many a mountain view while on the hiking trail and especially finds enjoyment landing trout from those mountain streams and lakes.
Anyone who has worked alongside Dan can attest to his dedication and faithfulness to complete the task at hand. Many young peoples’ lives have been enriched by having Dan involved in them. The young are encouraged to stay on the right track, those just getting started in adult life have received financial guidance and insights, and those more mature among us have been inspired by Dan’s daily witness. Those who live with Dan know that if there is something in the house that needs to be amended, Dan either already knows about it or is in the process of doing something about it.
Stuart Ferguson says, “Dan is one of the most conscientious, detail-oriented, and trustworthy men with whom I have worked. These characteristics make him a key member of The Servants of the Word financial staff and man in whom I have great confidence. Over the years I have considered whether there was someone else I would rather have working for me and have always concluded that Dan is the brother I would most want serving in this capacity.”
Dan is now taking a couple months away on a well-deserved sabbatical enjoying a needed rest from his many duties and responsibilities. You can be sure that his time away will include refreshing time with family members, brothers, and friends and will offer numerous opportunities for hiking many miles of Southwestern trails and enjoying the breathtaking vistas they offer.
–Mike Kramer
This article is from our 2012 Easter Servants of the Word Newsletter [7.5MB PDF].
I have been thinking a lot of late about the friends I grew up with… Danny Rinke among them. We were in high school together and then UM at the same time but our paths diverged there. I am glad to see he has found his calling.