Last August, Andy Pettman was installed as an elder in the Servants of the Word. Elders (currently eleven of them) are the men who assume primary care of the brothers.
Andy grew up in Guildford in southeast England and, after a Gap year, moved to London to study Chemical Engineering and Business at Imperial College. It was in London that Andy became involved in UCO and the Antioch Community, part of the Sword of the Spirit, which is also where he met the Servants of the Word. In 1994 he made a lifelong commitment to the brotherhood.
Andy’s first job out of university was with the oil company BP, and after this he worked for many years for a specialist petrochemical business-and-marketing consulting company with responsibilities that meant he travelled extensively in Europe and the Middle East.
. However, during those years in business Andy always worked in his spare time with young people (youth and university age), and when he left the business world in 2006, he led UCO London (called Koinonia) for five years, and in recent years has been instrumental in encouraging the start-up of Antioch’s young professionals outreach (YPO) in London.
Andy served for a number of years as the senior coordinator of the Antioch Community, and is elder for the Servants of the Word household of brothers in London.